Saturday, March 30, 2013

Not Quite Animators

We've been doing a lot of drawing around here. Can you tell who this is? I should have included Ryan's version of him. Rachel's looks just like a bear I think, but Adam's is a little more "accurate". 


We have always loved going to the Wrangler's hockey games. So we were really excited when I signed up to walk for the March of Dimes and they emailed me and said that we could have as many free tickets to a hockey game as we wanted. So...we took them up on it. The big kids loved it and the babies did great. And we got a bonus surprise when our Aunt Dolly showed up and sat with us. I am sure Ryan was very grateful he didn't have to have a baby strapped to him the whole time. But he would never say that :)
We actually stayed for the whole game. We lost, but there were lots of fights so according to the boys that makes for a successful outing.
So...thanks March of Dimes! And if you want to help sponsor our outing, you can go here:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Lately Around Here

This is a conversation I hear everyday as the big kids play:

" I have to go potty. Pause the game!"
"ok, I'm back,"

Their most favorite imaginative game is "dog and cat". The gist is that they pretend to be baby animals and then take care of each other. It would be super cute except for the really annoying kitty sounds! (But at least we don't have to get real animals yet :)

As of this moment they are playing with claw grabbers and a cardboard box
Other conversations:

After church last Sunday, this is what I heard Adam saying as he was playing with some toys. (I guess they needed to be rescued)
"The power of God will save you! The power of God is special. It will save us!"
(Thanks primary teachers :)

And of course the spotting of a bug is the most exciting thing around here--

Adam: "Mom, there's a bug!" (It was an earwig)
"okay, get a wipe and get him"
Adam: "I'm too scared to do it"
Rachel: "I've got you Adam"
And she expertly deposits the squished bug into the garbage--love it

And the babies are always around:
Brooke found her thumb during her nap today. It only lasted for a minute, but it was cute
We got the bumbos out...they're not huge fans, but it's a nice change from sitting on the floor sometimes

 And we borrowed a playmat. They really like this and the big kids play with it too!
After church 3-10

The" Little Sister" Pastime

As soon as we found out we were having girls, Ryan signed Adam up for T-ball-and signed himself up to be the coach. (and Gpa too) I guess he figured the boys needed to stick together. So now on Thursdays and Saturdays this is what they do:

catch and hit and fall down and get hurt and run and get really really dirty...

And this is what the girls do: 
Sit and watch and run around and wait for the ice cream truck and try not to be bored!

photo copyright: Rachel

I spent my whole life going to my brothers' baseball games. Let's hope these girls tolerate it better than I did!

Four Months

March 18--

10 lbs 3 oz
wearing 3 mo clothes
size 1 diapers
still smiles a lot and laughs on occasion
sleeps well except when she needs her binki back in

9lbs 5 oz
newborn diapers and clothes, but squeezing into them
loves to talk and coo at you (and Brooke)
cries when tired, but falls asleep easily
sleeps well through the night
still spits up a ton

 Both eat 5x a day between 4-5 oz
My friend made their shirts. If you don't know-twins are called Baby" A" or "B" while in the womb...A is always born first. So Adam and Brooke are baby "a's" and Rachel and Erica are baby "b's"

We now have 2 four year olds and 2 four month olds...And...we're still hanging in there! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

The kids were so excited for their St. Patrick's Day scavenger hunt at preschool. Their excitement made me realize that I needed to step up my game...However, don't be fooled--all of this prep happened in about 15 minutes at 11pm the night before...
Before preschool

Leprechaun footprints

morning treats (all leftover from Halloween--tricky leprechaun)

I would not have colored the toilet water, but they heard of this happening at other houses and they were totally expecting it

definitely the hit of the morning

lucky charms with green milk. I dyed it right under their noses...but they didn't notice. neither one of them would try it until I did. Rachel took the longest and waited until we all ignored her before she ate it. who knew?
 You can't tell from the pictures, but all the girls had matching ribbons. And why oh why do I not have a pic of the big kids in their green? And I was mad because I went to three different stores and only found one green we had to be creative and make our own.

Some of us had really good afternoon naps

Some of us didn't
We went to the Fitz's house for corned beef and cabbage. I wanted to take more pictures, but a certain baby wouldn't let me. But it was a fun time. We would have enjoyed the holiday no matter what, but it definitely makes it more fun to be Irish!

And...Memory Lane Ep 5

From our trip to Ireland in 2006...