Friday, March 22, 2013

The" Little Sister" Pastime

As soon as we found out we were having girls, Ryan signed Adam up for T-ball-and signed himself up to be the coach. (and Gpa too) I guess he figured the boys needed to stick together. So now on Thursdays and Saturdays this is what they do:

catch and hit and fall down and get hurt and run and get really really dirty...

And this is what the girls do: 
Sit and watch and run around and wait for the ice cream truck and try not to be bored!

photo copyright: Rachel

I spent my whole life going to my brothers' baseball games. Let's hope these girls tolerate it better than I did!


lori said...

Love all these new posts!!! They made me smile and laugh and miss you! Those babes are growing too fast!!!! Tell Adam and Rach to push "pause" until we get to see you all! :)

Love you!!!

CL/Dad said...

It's very true. You did spend (have to?) a lot of time at your brother's games. But a little sister can admire an older brother. Hopefully, when they are all grown up, they will be able to laugh about the trials they had to go through to get there.