Saturday, March 16, 2013


Have you heard of that psychology experiment with the kids and the marshmallows? You put them in a room with one and see if they can wait to eat it and if they do, then they get two. Well, we conducted a not very scientific version of it at our house....
I didn't even get a chance to finish explaining the rules before rachel exclaimed, "i wanna eat it now!" And sure enough, she only lasted seven minutes. Adam lasted the whole fifteen, but he kept saying,"this is taking forever!"

Really, I didn't need to do this to figure out what would happen:
Rach is just like her daddy...all about the instant gratification...
And Adam is like me...will follow the rules at all costs ...


heath said...

Ok, that is hilarious that you did that. I love you guys. (Also, Royce said he's not going to leave comments anymore if you don't answer his questions. I told him you have two babies, but he didn't seem to think that a valid excuse. ;)

jeanine said...

I LOVE it! I've been wanting to do the same thing with my boys... maybe I'll do it soon!