Friday, March 22, 2013

Lately Around Here

This is a conversation I hear everyday as the big kids play:

" I have to go potty. Pause the game!"
"ok, I'm back,"

Their most favorite imaginative game is "dog and cat". The gist is that they pretend to be baby animals and then take care of each other. It would be super cute except for the really annoying kitty sounds! (But at least we don't have to get real animals yet :)

As of this moment they are playing with claw grabbers and a cardboard box
Other conversations:

After church last Sunday, this is what I heard Adam saying as he was playing with some toys. (I guess they needed to be rescued)
"The power of God will save you! The power of God is special. It will save us!"
(Thanks primary teachers :)

And of course the spotting of a bug is the most exciting thing around here--

Adam: "Mom, there's a bug!" (It was an earwig)
"okay, get a wipe and get him"
Adam: "I'm too scared to do it"
Rachel: "I've got you Adam"
And she expertly deposits the squished bug into the garbage--love it

And the babies are always around:
Brooke found her thumb during her nap today. It only lasted for a minute, but it was cute
We got the bumbos out...they're not huge fans, but it's a nice change from sitting on the floor sometimes

 And we borrowed a playmat. They really like this and the big kids play with it too!
After church 3-10

1 comment:

heath said...

Oh man, you're making me miss those kiddos too much. Time for another trip? . . . Anywho, love Adam relying on the power of God, Rachel coming to the rescue for bugs, and Brooke and Erica sitting up in their bumbos.

From the other posts, I also love that Ryan signed Adam up for T-ball, presumably to preserve his manhood. And I love how big Brooke's eyes get and Erica's spiked hair.