Here they are!
No time or energy to explain the details...but at 29 weeks and 2 days my water broke right after sacrament meeting. I'm just glad I was in enough pain to come home first-otherwise my primary kids probably would have had quite a shock!
Adam Lewis Fitzgibbons
June 15th, 2008
2 lbs. 13.5 oz.
15.5 inches
Born vaginally w/no drugs (thankfully not in the car!)
June 15th, 2008
2 lbs. 14 oz
15 3/4 inches
So needless to say, Ryan got himself a very surprising and happy Father's Day present. Both babies are doing really well. They will be in the NICU for up to 2 months (prob. until their due date). They are both on ventilators and other numerous tubes and meds, but the outlook is good. Both have received father's blessings (so has their mom). And they open their eyes and squirm when we go see them.
Sorry for leaving you all hanging for more details, but I am one tired mama who needs to go say goodnight to her kiddos. Thanks for all of the support, love and prayers. We really appreciate it. More to come when we feel up to it...
Holy cow, I'm so glad I got on to check blogs before going to bed. Congratulations! I'm so glad everything went so well considering how early they were. Amazing. They look great! I love their hair. :) Crazy, but just 3 days ago my friend gave birth to her twin babies at 29 weeks and 6 days. All these babies are just so excited to come. What a great Father's Day present! Congrats again and I'm glad you're all doing well.
P.S. No drugs for Adam?! You're my new hero!
Congratulations!!! Wow no drugs and already blogging. You are one tough cookie.
Thoughts and Prayers coming your way from KC. I hope you are recovering well. Congratulations on beautiful babies! And great choice of name for your baby boy (and girl, but I'm biased on the boy name).
Whoa! This was NOT what I was expecting to read when I checked in on your blog! But wow -- CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope that all continues to go well for both babies and parents. You're all in our prayers! (Great names, too, by the way.)
We love you - and them!!! "Have you talked to the Fitzes???!" Has been the most prominent phrase in our household the past few days. So glad for the pictures...we've been trying to visualize! Keep calling when you can!
Wow! What a surprise. Congratulations! They are just so sweet looking. We'll keep you all in our prayers.
WOW! This was quite the surprise this morning! (As I'm sure it was to you on Sunday!) Congrats! They are both beautiful! I can't believe you did it with no drugs for Adam... way to go! And good luck on the c-section recovery. I know it's not fun. I can't wait to hear all the details! Rest while you can though. We'll keep you all in our prayers!
hey ryan and amy.....WOW, what a wonderful fathers day present for ryan. you couldn't have asked for a better day, huh?? i (cortni)talked to amy's mom yesterday early morning hoping that all had gone well. we were so excited to hear they came and that all had gone well. we're even more grateful for details now too. i've (cortni) been working on something for ya guys...and the info has helped. i hope amy gets to stay at the hospital as long as she can to be with those babies. call us if you need anything.... i'm sure we'll be bringing you dinner as soon as you get back home. so think of a "YUMMY" place you'd like me to get food from. talk to you guys soon!! rob and cortni :)
Hello! Congrats! I am so happy for you guys. I was wondering if you could tell me what hospital you are at (or if anyone else knows too)? As for the no drugs, that is impressive. Did Ryan need any? I can imagine that he was probably a bit on edge from the time you came home from church. Wow, they are two beautiful little ones. :)
Holy Cow! I can't believe they are already here. I hope all is well with you and the babies. Congratuations.
Whoa! Already here!? I'm happy to hear everything went as smoothly as it could have with this early arrival! Your babies are beautiful! I hope all continues to go well with everyone... you and Adam and Rachel. Congrats!! What a Father's Day gift indeed!!
Congratulations! Blair and I have been thinking about you and praying for you since we found out. They're both so cute! We're relieved to hear that the outlook is good. I'd love to talk when you feel up to it. Love all four of you!
Oh my goodness! How crazy! When you've had a couple of days to recover I'd love to call. We will be praying for you guys! But how exciting.
Congratualtions!! I am so glad that you guys are all doing well! And what a great Father's Day present for Ryan!! I'll keep you guys in my prayers. And we will be thinking about you!
I am impressed with the expressions of support and prayer from everybody. I know that makes a difference and is very welcome at this critical time. My basic desire for details is only to see everybody here safe and well. And I pray that is also God's will for this precious and special family.
No Way!!! I know twins usually come early...but wow! We're so happy for the both of you and especially glad that everyone is doing great! Let us know what we can do!
Not what I expected to be reading already! CONGRATULATIONS! and I hope that everyone continues to do well. Impressed with the no drugs, I could never do that, tried but couldn't bare it perhaps on the next one...nope not even going to think about it.
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Ryan. What time is your church at by-the-way? Get some rest hopefully everyone will be ready to come home sooner than you think.
Two more people born on my Birthday. Now you will never forget! - not that you have once in the last 10 years or so. Congradulations
GREAT NEWS - so excited to hear it and hope that everything goes well for mother and the babies (sorry Ryan, we dads get the short end here). Love the names too (especially your girl)!
Glad all went well. Congratulations!! We are soooo happy for you. Call if I can help with anything.
Hey guys- one more comments to your long list of congratulations! Congrats from us! We are SO happy for you guys and your beautiful babies!!!
YAY! Praying for you and the babies...
Love and love to you all.
Congratulations! We hope everything continues to go well.
oh! what a wonderful blog! i'm just catching up! my gosh!
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